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We at Butterworth Eng Tat offer over 100,000 industrial supply products under one roof. One of the most unique ways we bring our products to our customers is through our e-Catalogue. In addition to offering and promoting products from the leading global brands, we also provide calibration and tool control services. These services help ensure that our customers are getting the most out of their purchase.



Our e-catalogue display system is unmatched in the industry. If you need any item, this unique display system can make your shopping experience as easy and fast as you want. You can explore our e-catalogue and identify all our items on sale and purchase them directly.

We make sure that our e-catalogue always remains up-to-date so that our customers always have the latest information available to them. At Butterworth Eng Tat we ensure that all the products are documented accurately so that there is no gap in information. The display system is sorted according to major categories so that you can easily find the exact product required for your project.

The e-catalogue can be accessed by our customers only after following the registration process. This demonstrates the high level of class and quality that we bring to our customers. The registration process is simple and quick, and you can almost instantly get access to all our products in the e-catalogue.

Calibration Service

Calibration Service

At Butterworth Eng Tat, we understand the importance of precision and accuracy when it comes to calibration and measurement. Therefore, we provide high-end calibration services to our customers for measuring, testing and inspecting their equipment. We provide this service at a customized level to meet the requirements of our customers and manufacturers.

The process involves verification of the precision of the equipments so that our customers can remain assure that the equipments they are purchasing meet their specific requirements with high level of accuracy. We understand that even the slightest difference in calibration can make a huge difference in your production yield.

Tool Control

Tool Control

Tool control has long been a challenging task for both professionals and casual users. We have devised a unique inventory stock capability through our specially designed tool containers. This ensure that all of your tools fit into their specific locations and any missing tool could be identified immediately. Our tool control service ensures that you can instantly account for all the tools after completing your tasks. This helps in reducing tool loss and eventually reduces replacement costs.

We provide two levels of solutions for tool control.

Tool Kit Solutions
Tool Kit Solutions
Workstation Solutions
Workstation Solutions