Order Code: ETTRPC08
Quantity: 100
•USB interface: Fully compliant with V1.0, 2.0 specification.
•USB to serial bridge controller; Prolific PL2303TA (TRP-C08Version:2.1).
•RS-232signal: 5 full-duplex (TXD, RXD, CTS, RTS, GND).
•RS-422signal: Differential 4 full-duplex wires (TX+, RX+, TX-, RX-).
•RS-485signal: Differential 2 half-duplex wires (D+, D-).
•DataFormat: Asynchronous data with all common combination of bits,parity, stop.
•Paritytype: None, odd, even mark, space.
•Data bit: 5, 6, 7, 8 or 16.
•Stopbits: 1, 1.5, 2.
•Cable:USB type A to type B.
•Communicationspeed: 75~128KBbps.
•RS-422/485line protection: Against surge, short circuit, and voltage peak.
•Transmissiondistance: RS-422/485 Up to 4000ft (1200M).
•Connectiontype: Screw terminal accepts AWG #12~30 wires.
•SignalLED: Power on, TX, RX.
•Directpower from USB port.